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Normal, let’s talk about it.

For me, normal is overrated. Normal to me equates following the masses, not thinking for myself, taking other opinions over my own.

In my home I don’t want my boys to follow the masses, just Because society dictates that is the right way to go. I want them to think, and trust what they believe is true and then act on their truth.

Im my home out normal looks different to others in many forms throughout the day. It does’nt mean it is wrong or right, it is just different.

For instance, I choose not to restrict many things using arbitrary rules. Instead I allow the boys to become involved in making choices. We don’t restrict food, both healthy or more of the ‘unhealthy’, many may bulk at this idea but for us the proof is in the pudding lol. The thing is I can have a bowl of sweets as treats on the side and they will often go for other foodstuffs rather than the bowl. This is I believe Becuase I have removed the restrictions on it, therefore they dont worry that it will b there and gone the next. This in turn has meant they know that if they would like some then they go help themselves knowing it is not restricted. It stopped the constant can I have, and replaced it with hmmm well I think I will have an apple Becuase I know the sweet stuff is there and don’t worry that it will be taken away from me. It is the same for almost all other decisions within our family life. It was a leap of faith and not for the faint hearted I will admit. Trusting that children can make positive choices without the arbitrary rules is a massive learning curve for the conditioned mind as it is going against how most of us were brought up.

i encourage free thinking and facilitate their learning through allowing them to make the choices they feel they need to. I will intervene if it is a dangerous situation as that is my job as a mum.

To see the boys beginning to make choices based on their perception and thoughts of what is in question, rather than what is thought of ‘normal’ is amazing to see from a mums viewpoint.

This of course tested my nerves and has involved a huge shift within myself, but I wholeheartedly know it was the right thing for my family. This leads me back to the ‘normal’ theme.

Life is messy, and creative at its core and it is intended to be that way in order to unearth the lessons we have chosen to learn. We are all individual and then why would we focus so much on trying to be ‘normal’ when we were born to be amazingly and inherently individual?!

why not spend five minutes thinking about what you do that is different to others and them go celebrate that, you may just surprise yourself at how spectacular you are!

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